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Is there a missing person in your life? A person who has disappeared while still owing you money? A runaway  friend or loved one that you want to find? Maybe someone from your past, like a family member or colleague with whom you have lost touch? People are considered a “missing person” for plenty of reasons. Sometimes they are hiding on purpose, or you may have simply lost touch. She may be looking for a fresh start somewhere else, or he might be avoiding a past responsibility. Finding a missing person can be difficult and challenging work, but as private investigators, this is a challenge we have experience facing!

We have the ability  to access a wealth of information and data, and we use our knowledge and experience to find people with whom you have lost contact with for whatever reason.

At Flatirons Private Investigations, we will undergo an extensive interview to see if there is enough information for us to start looking for your missing person. The more you can tell us about that person, the better the chance of finding them. Even old information can be valuable; in fact, historical information is sometimes the key!


Missing Person Scenarios


In the early 1960s, Joanne was young, pregnant and no longer involved with the baby’s father, a married man who was unwilling to help. Reared in a strict Catholic family, Joanne didn’t see abortion as an option but knew she wasn’t able to be a proper mother. With the help of her church organization, Joanne made a difficult choice and gave up her days-old daughter for adoption. The adoptive couple named the baby Erika. When Erika was old enough to understand, they told her how she came into their family. Even though Erika had a good life-she felt loved and cared for-she wondered about what could have been. Mostly,’ she wondered about her biological parents: what they looked like, where they came from, why they gave her up. As the years passed, Erika became a mother herself, and the desire to know about her heritage grew stronger. Would she ever be able to pass on information about her family’s history? Was there anything in her birth parents’ medical background that she should know about? Were they still alive?

Her birth mother has questions as well. All her life, Joanne had hoped her daughter was happy, and now she wants to know for sure. She hopes to reaffirm that she made the right decision. She also needs to communicate how she truly feels, to seek understanding and forgiveness, and to develop a relationship. Both Erika and Joanne would find comfort in knowing more.


Family Reunions

Marshall’s parents divorced when he was just an infant. He lived with his mother while his father took custody of his older brother, Rick. When Marshall’s mother remarried, he lost contact with his father and brother. He doesn’t intend to leave it that way; Marshall is set on locating them and finally connecting with his big brother and his dad.


Reunited Friendships

It’s been years since high school and Sacha still thinks about her best friend, Lindsey. The thoughts are pleasant because they were once inseparable. The “dynamic duo” went to parties and football games, smoked their first cigs behind the Roller Rink, failed Algebra and passed notes about their secret crushes. But they lost touch after that great senior year. Sacha didn’t attend her five- or ten-year reunions and doesn’t know whether Lindsey is married, has changed her name or has moved. Is a search hopeless? No.


Fractured Friendships

Frank’s girlfriend left him for his best friend, Greg. Frank and Greg haven’t spoken to each other for five years. Frank wants one more conversation with Greg to let him know how blindsided he was by his friend’s betrayal. Call it closure. Friendships that end abruptly or prematurely may need resolution.


Financial Responsibility

Heidi and her three children have had money trouble ever since Heidi’s ex-husband remarried and moved to another state. Child support and spousal support payments haven’t reached her mailbox for months. He needs to be found before legal papers can be served requiring him to make payments.


Moral Responsibility

If you’re diagnosed with a contagious disease, such as herpes or AIDS, you need to alert past sexual partners. Making that decision is clearly the right thing to do, but following through may be difficult since couples often don’t stay in touch after they’ve broken up. Finding a former partner could be hard, but certainly not impossible.